Friday, August 16, 2024

FT24016: Mind field and Gods

     Does a gradual rise from a pantheon of gods to a single to an understanding that a single god is method for phenomena to arise a necessary process? The jump from many gods to one has a interesting leap. Many gods stand for separate ideas that seem to have a potentiality in this god. These mythical beings represent constant things in life that are necessary and universal (re: weather, birth, etc). In this pantheon it's common for a god that resembles a monothesistic god except this god exists among the rest just the same (re: Zeus etc).

    When gods represent something common like a field of growing crops we relate to it as an observer. We don't see our self in the field of crops even though we see the god there. There is a dependency as well as we give gods to what is most important to us. We desire them but cannot understand them but we are deeply tied to them.

    A single god represents more of our mind. We can see ourselves in god and god in ourselves. Our minds have to constantly avoid mistakenly placing our mind in that of god's because its hard for us to recognize that we do this. Perception is not just a matter of dependency on our surrounding but active participation in creation of the world that we observe. Much more exists in potentiality and our imagination is near a cause of being. 

    Once no god is, we are left with our thoughts and also our history we've recorded with them. We not only have to avoid placing our mind as all powerful but also undoing meaning derived from it. If we view reality as largely our cognitive understanding of it, we can then undermine any sense of importance of it because it comes from a flimsy mind and there is no great power to sync to that gives reality rigorous existence. 

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