Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hold on! This is not my best time to explain but I have to time to make a sandwich. Usually, not that it matters, but I've lost some of my radio stations. They weren't important to me but I loved them. Oh yes! But who is in love with radio stations? What makes me think that I am in love with a radio station? This is all together a sample of what it is like to live what I have lived. I was once young in a cow pasture. I made hats out of grass and I cared little about it. Not one of my hats have survived and I have forgotten how to make them.

Years ago, when I first found I loved that cow pasture. I found when I came back a similar sky of tubes! The sky was segmented into good tubes and better tubes. The tubes would not reasonably be called tubes but people who cannot see tubes. It is true! There are some that cannot see tubes. I was not born with the ability to see tubes but inherited it through training I got from a cow.

Cows are lovely. I felt like a warm sweater and my spit became bouncy in minutes. Why does this go on? Why do tubes feel like I have chocolate in terrible places! I can only guess. Cows are wise but do not understand what it is to be human much like I do not understand what is like to be a cow. We both understand though that we are not each other.

Tubes are in theory more than I'm able to explain. One thing that makes it difficult to explain is that most people find see them but get hungry. They eat spaghetti instead of looking at the tubes. I congratulate myself for I to lust for spaghetti at the sight of tubes. I am hungry now. I haven't eaten in 53 days and I don't know what I will eat next.

Cows eat all the time. They know about the tubes but do not see how they would be better off looking at the tubes instead of eating. The eat instead. Cows push cow ideas. I find them crazy and they must tip well at resteraunts. I met more people in my life than I have eaten croutons. But this is not to say I am better for it than that. I sleep with my face in a pillow. I pretend it is lava from a volcano that remembers how old I am. I forget sometimes that volcanoes are older than I am.

"Pop pop, I'm a volcano!" Says Volcanoes.
"Hello how old am I, " I say in my dream.
"How many times are there to have?" the volcanoes replies.
"Volcano you are so wise to know this." I admit.

If I were to be in a wagon, I'd have to be in a state where wheels make more money than anything else I could hope to send in the mail. Mailing things can be expensive and it is hard to make money by sending things to other people. If I met someone, I'd like to send them a letter right afterwards. I should carry letters already stamped.

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