My mail box is very building like. It uses the same bricks that make the house. I always thought they looked rather silly, but everyone has them in this area. It seems like a lot of material to make a mailbox out of. They also are a pain to fix if a car hits it.
The arch at the top is curious though. Almost like a decoration for the sake of decoration. The bricks around the mail box seem to celebrate the mail boxes curvature. Now that I think of it, the form of the mailbox is somewhat similar to the brick structure only that the brick structure is elongated on the sides. I wonder if that was intentional or coincidental.
It also seems kind of weird to have this huge solid mass and only have a tiny box in it.
I like this photo because these buildings seem kind of sneaky. They are peaking at me and I am peaking at them. The shape of the buildings are also truncated causing them to be something completely different than the building is look at from a whole.